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Use a cheap bag of bird seed to grow a HUGE garden - or a little corner garden if you must :)

Finches in the potatoe bush.


Do you have a pet bird or perhaps you feed the birds in your yard? Did you know if a seed will not germinate, you're not even supposed to feed it to your birds?

When I heard this, I had a great thought... if the bird seed would actually germinate, it would also grow!

If that's the case, lets use this inexpensive seed resource to make a bird food garden in a corner of our yards!!!

* Find a corner or special spot in your yard for your garden.

* Buy a bag of inexpensive bird seeds.

* Prepare the soil for planting.

* Scatter the seeds.

* Rake in & top cover with a bit of soil.

* Watch it grow!!!!

Don't forget...in order for a plant to produce seeds, it must first produce a flower of some kind! This means you will have many different kinds of plants & flowers to enjoy!

You will also have tons of seeds to plant next year's garden, and plenty to feed your feathered friends!

See, gardens don't have to cost a "mint" =)