Cheap gardening ideas - A garden paradise uniquely yours!
The cost of these projects depends on what you might already have around the house.
Use a leftover piece of firewood to make a bird house.
Slice a 2-3 inch piece off of the top - drill a hole in the center big enough for the birds to live - drill another hole in the front for the
entrance - hinge the lid (2-3 inch section) on the top for easy cleaning - add perch.
Cost = free!
Use a large bowl as a bird bath.
My mom uses an old wooden bowl as a bird bath in her yard & they seem to love it! Your goal is to just get some water out there for them - to
bring them into your garden.
Cost = free!
Make a garden arbor, or plant trellis.
Find some skinny - pole - branches that have fallen over the winter. Stick them into the ground, or into a large flower pot filled with soil.
Bend them at the top so they touch. Tie them together with twine - then intertwine the loose edges. Now you can plant vines, climbing vegetables,
flowers, etc.. in the flower pot - or in the ground around the branches. These are so charming!
Cost = free - $5
To keep clean up a cinch after a day in the garden, place a bar of soap in an empty onion bag & tie it near the hose. This way when you're
washing your hands - soap is within reach.
Cost = $1
After using your garden tools, you need to keep them clean to stay dust free. Fill a bucket with sand & some motor oil (not used) ten each
time you use them, just stick them into the bucket. The sand helps to sharpen and clean the tool, while the oil keeps it from rusting.
Cost = $2
For use on any skin rashes, diaper rash, insect bite, etc.. make up this inexpensive ointment.
1/4 cup vaseline
1 tablespoon cornstarch
Mix into a creamy paste.
Adjust the cornstarch to make as thick as you'd like. This makes a nice creamy paste - just as good as store bought!
Cost = free - $2!
Make your home look like a gardener's cottage!
Hang window boxes under your windows - then plant climbing vines in the back & beautiful bushy flowers in the front. As the baskets grow
& fill out, train the vines to grow up & around your windows.
I saw this done last summer with morning glories & the little home looked like a story book cottage! You can make the window boxes from
pallets (free), use paint that you have around the house (free), plant with seeds that you can buy 10 packs for a dollar.
Total cost for the million dollar look? With free pallets cost = .50 - $2!
With the ground now thawing out & the grass still not up, this is the perfect time to look for stones. Stone walls are so beautiful & add
such a statement to any yard. Just stack them up & plant bulbs, ground cover, vines, old roses, etc. in front.
Cost = free
Do you have a post mailbox? Why not plant some beautiful vines around the base? There are a few homes in my area that have planted clematis &
morning glories around theirs. Before the vines are in flower, the greenery is lush & after the flowers are in bloom, it looks
Cost = .50
Instead of using those metal or plastic stakes, use a branch. It looks much more natural.
Cost = free
When planting vegetables, this is an easy & efficient way to water. Clean out a milk jug - poke many holes all over the sides & bottom
- then bury it along the side of your plant. To water - just fill the jug! You can also add your favorite fertilizer, or manure tea every
of weeks.
Cost = free
Make a bird feeder from a soda bottle.
Leave the lid on - cut 2 - 4 pieces of 1 1/2 inch hose. Cut same number of openings along the bottom sides. Insert the hose pieces - fill with
seed & hang (upside down).
Cost = free
Make a cozy log cabin bird home from twigs! For some reason, bird houses give a picturesque look to any garden - why not have homes that are
totally yours! Gather twigs from around the yard - cut to length - nail and/or hot glue them together in the shape of a log house. You could hot
glue small stones on for a stone foundation, or a stone chimney.
Cost = free
Make your flower pots special. Save the seed packets from your planting - paste them onto the outside of the pot - rub with stain - wipe away
excess - coat with protective coating. Then plant some flowers/vegetables that match the seed packets!
Cost = .50-1.00
Grow a beautiful center piece! Plant little flowers in miss matched tea cups! Then line a kitchen window sill - dinning table - or garden table
with your little treasures!
Cost = free - .50
For a tea set fit for a queen, slip floral pillow cases over the backs of your garden chairs & cover the table with the matching or
coordinating sheet.
Cost = free - $5.00
Hang an old bird cage outside in the garden - leave the door open & sprinkle seed on the bottom of the cage. A great way to use an otherwise
useless piece of art ;)
Cost = free
Plant a garden house for the kids. With a hoe, mark off a square. Plant Large sunflowers around the square & flowering vines such as morning
glories or runner beans in between the rows. The sunflowers grow very sturdy making the "walls", while the vines grow up the "walls" - intertwine
them together at the top to make the ceiling.
Cost = .50
Plant an old pair of shoes/boots & leave next to the back door - garden - entry - greenhouse - etc, as a welcome to visitors.
Cost = free