Don't worry if the items listed in your new sales
flyer are already sold out!
Have you ever made a trip to the grocery store, only to find out that the
sale item that you wanted to pick up is already out of stock?
I know this can be a frusterating situation, but now you can turn this problem into a wonderful money saving solution!
I know that you've heard of rain checks, but you might not have thought of using rain checks like this before!
Rain Check - A slip of paper that guarantees you will get a sale item that is currently sold out - as soon as it is back in stock.
Did you know that there is usually NO LIMIT to how many items you can have on a rain check?
For example:
Recently my local grocery store had a huge sale on school supplies - packs of pens .05, folders .05, etc. Needless to say, they sold out quick! I
can go to the customer service counter & request a rain check for as many of these items as I wish! My friend told me today that she got a
rain check for 10 packs of Crayola Crayons for .49 each & for me not to get any because she had them covered!
Plan those sales just right & you could have enough supplies for the whole neighborhood!