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garden pond waterfall

Build a Garden Pond Waterfall

Instead of a fountain in the center of the pond, we wanted a nice trickle from a waterfall. To build the waterfall, we piled large stones on top of the dirt hill we made while digging out the new pond space.

Here you can see in the pictures below, that I planted some ferns on each side of the hill, so they can be seen from the front of the waterfall. See all the little green bits coming out of the back of the hill? Those are pieces of vinca vine that I cut up & stuck in the dirt. They will take root & soon cover the whole back of the waterfall!
how to build a waterfall

I wanted the water to fall over the rocks and to look as natural as possible. If you were to just stick the water hose through the front of the rocks, the water would jump out in a straight round stream! In order to get the water to form a flat falling pattern, I had to find a way to create a long pool for the water to spill out from. I decided to use an old oblong tupperware container that I never use! Here you can see the back of the container before I totally covered it with rocks. Remember - we're doing this project FRUGALLY!
behind the garden pond waterfall

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